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SiriusXM Service Provider

Add New Service Providers

If the person providing service does not yet have a SiriusXM ID code, they can be added using the SiriusXM New User Request form below.


  • After filling out the form, a confirmation email will automatically be sent to the new user with a link to our tutorial video.


As soon as the User ID code has been created, we will send the new user the ID and instructions for downloading the app.

Adding a New Dealership

1) Check with the dealership to see if they are already enrolled in the program, and then fill out the New Dealer Service form below.


  • If they are already enrolled, ask for their SiriusXM Dealer ID. (If they don't have it, we can use the dealer name.)


2) You will need the following information:


  • Dealer DMS Provider (Note: Depending on the provider, DMS authorization may be required)

  • SiriusXM Dealership ID (if applicable)

DMS Authorization Sheets - The following DMS provider(s) require authorization. You can download the forms by clicking on the appropriate link below.


- Dealertrack DMS Authorization

SiriusXM New Dealer Form
SXM New User Form
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